  1. Governance



The Board is responsible for ensuring leadership through effective oversight and review of GIFP activities. Supported by its principal Committees, the Board sets the strategic direction of the GIFP and aims to deliver sustainable and professional value and services to GIFP’s members continuously.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee has responsibility for implementing operational decisions. Day-to-day management of the business is delegated to the Chief Executive Officer and the Executive Committee. There is a clear delegation and oversight from the Board to the Executive Committee, which strengthens decision-making across key areas of the business.

Academic Committee

Academic Committee is responsible for academic research and development for the professional programs certified by GIFP. Academic committee commits to promoting the construction of professional knowledge system and professional knowledge learning in different organizations.

Examination Committee

Examination Committee is responsible for the examination organization, which includes the exam organization, exam questions design, and exam result release.

Member Services Committee

Member Services Committee is committed to the development and services for the members of GIFP. By establishing a platform between members, the committee creates a sharing atmosphere of learning, experience and growth. Moreover, the committee organizes activities in various forms, which can help members to share experiences, and better understand business frontier.

Public Relationship Committee

Public Relationship Committee is mainly responsible for the communication and cooperation with outside organizations. The committee dedicates to enhancing communication between professionals by organizing various financial theoretical and practical academic researches, synergizing expert resources in various financial fields, and improving the level of financial management by providing various financial research, training, consulting, publishing, exchange and other services.

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