
Market Perspectives - Seminar held by
Gerstein Fisher

Release time: 2020-03-03

With the sincere invitation from Gerstein Fisher, President Fiona and assistant attended the Market Perspectives event to learn about Gerstein Fisher's current research and the various risks investors face today.Given multiple world economy disruptions, such as Coronavirus outbreak, BREXIT, and trading tension among different countries, hosts Chris Meeske, CIMA and Ash Viswanthan, CFA shared their opinion on how to react to current market situation.

About Gerstein Fisher

Founded in 1993, Gerstein Fisher has grown to a world-leading investment management firm. Gerstein Fisher aims to seamlessly integrate investment management, financial planning and tax management under one roof. Taking a disciplined, quantitative investment approach informed by time-tested academic research and leveraged by smart technology, the company remains an independent investment management focused intently on delivering Bottom Line Results for their clients.

Event brief

Starting off by introducing their shareholder yield investing factor, Ash explained how stock buyback and dividends yield help them identify ideal investing target. Evidenced by the trading test results, this strategy realizes significant higher portfolio returns. Then, the presentation covered those following topics:

  • The 2010s: Economic decade in review
  • Coronavirus impact on U.S. and Non-US Economies
  • Proactive trading vs. react to the market news
  • Return comparison by different asset class
  • Use Tesla as an example to illustrate a 'growth stock' performance
  • A few other aspects they are paying attention to
    • Secure act
    • Planning after a 10-year (and continuing) Bull Market

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Concluding the event with team's recommendation on investing strategy, Gerstein Fisher delivered a wholesome presentation on current market trend, investment strategy comparison, and market research results. After the event, Fiona further discussed investing insights and exchanged information with the presenters, and was inspired by a world leading investment management firm's suggestion on current market condition. GIFP is looking foward to attend Gerstein Fisher's future events and exploring potential collaboration opportunity with the company as well.

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