CGFC Syllabus

ESG and Green Finance Fundamentals15%Introduce the fundamental concepts behind ESG and green finance. Describe the history, background, development, and current status of ESG and green finance. The contents in this sector include: CGFC program overview, Introduction to Responsible Investment, Introduction to Climate Convention and Carbon Neutralization, Overview of Greater climate status and latest changes, Overview of Greater carbon market development.
ESG Investment Analysis30%Identify the primary influences on ESG investments, introduce the primary research and valuation techniques for ESG investments, and introduce the creation and performance assessment of ESG portfolios. The contents in this sector include: Integrated ESG investment analysis, ESG score, rating & data, ESG market achievements & challenges, Green credit and green finance and ESG Disclosure.
Greenhouse gas emissions and carbon trading20%Compare different carbon emission calculation techniques and describe the carbon emission calculation process, analyze the major worldwide carbon emission reduction target standards and define carbon neutral measures in major industries, and explain the basic operation of carbon trading and describe the present condition of the major Greater carbon trading markets. The contents in this sector include: Calculation of carbon emissions & carbon emission reduction, and Carbon market & carbon trading.
Climate risk and management30%Explain climate risk and effects, introduce the key indicators of climate risk, and discuss climate risk management. The contents in this sector include: Measurement of climate risk, Climate risk management and Scenario analysis & stress test.
Ethics and Code of Conduct5%Describe the ethical and conduct standards that candidates must meet.